Goal - 1


Eradicating poverty in all its forms remains one of the greatest challenges facing humanity. While the number of people living in extreme poverty has dropped by more than half – from 1.9 billion in 1990, to 836 million in 2015 – too many people are still struggling to meet the most basic human needs. Globally, more than 800 million people are still living on less than $1.25 a day; many lack access to adequate food, clean drinking water and sanitation. Rapid economic growth in countries like China and India has lifted millions out of poverty, but progress has been uneven. Women are disproportionately affected; they are more likely to live in poverty due to unequal access to paid work, education and property.

Inspirational Story of Renu Bala

Panjor Bhanga has become one of the declining areas of Bangladesh with professions in the fisheries and agriculture declining due to heavy flood. As a result of constant flood in the village, the farms get washed away as a result. Poverty stricken situation in Panjor Bhanga coupled with a lack of working opportunities made it hard for anyone to change their fortune. The lack of professional opportunity forces the male members of the family to go out of the town to find jobs. Thus keeping their family waiting for

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