Inspirational Story of Renu Bala

Panjor Bhanga has become one of the declining areas of Bangladesh with professions in the fisheries and agriculture declining due to heavy flood. As a result of constant flood in the village, the farms get washed away as a result. Poverty stricken situation in Panjor Bhanga coupled with a lack of working opportunities made it hard for anyone to change their fortune. The lack of professional opportunity forces the male members of the family to go out of the town to find jobs. Thus keeping their family waiting for any news of change in their stroke of fortune.
Renu Bala was very good at rearing Cows. She was in fact the best of her village when it came to rearing her cow. It was very difficult for Renu Bala to make a community in the village. This is because most of the women in the villages were quite shy and participating in a training program was something they never thought they will do in their lifetime. It was a slow start for Renu Bala as the cows in her village were very weak and after their personal consumption, very little saved for selling afterwards. They realized the need of hybrid Dairy Cows that can produce more than 10 Liters a day to be profitable to Renu Bala and the villagers. She had to take a loan, but she or the villagers did not have a collateral. FAO was working near Panjor Bhanga and giving training for entrepreneurship, obtaining loan or investment. FAO training is very hands-on and they showed Renu Bala and the villagers the best banks in Bangladesh to get loan with no collateral, and other business development trainings.
Renu Bala had limited options for Bank Loans and had to cover a lot of distance before getting the help of Mutual Trust Bank. Mutual Trust Bank was the only Bank that approved Renu Balaʼs loan, and afterwards they sent an agent to the Panjor Bhanga village to meet with this promising community. Renu Bala had limited options for Bank Loans and had to cover a lot of distance before getting the help of Mutual Trust Bank. Being good at rearing cows, she was also quick to realize the potential of the dairy business opportunity. And slowly she began to sell the dairy to the Milk Companies or the sweet shops. Renu Bala won the Bangabandhu National Agriculture Award winner for her Pajorbhanga Female Milk Production Cooperative Society. Rokeya Prachi being an earnest supporter of successful government initiatives will play a part towards the ending of the video to pave the way of SDGs inclusion within the story of Renu Bala.